Rhema Correspondence Bible School

  Rhema Correspondence Bible School is offered through the US Campus,

by clicking the link below you will be directed to the US website.




The Word of God is full of truth about unconditional love, overflowing joy, and perfect peace. But if you don't know these Bible truths, chances are you're not enjoying their benefits.

Rhema Correspondence Bible School can help! Click here to enroll!

What is it?
Rhema Correspondence Bible School is a non-accredited home Bible study course designed to give laypeople basic Bible knowledge.

How does it work?
This study program allows you the flexibility of paying for one lesson at a time and you may complete the lessons at your own pace.

How can I use RCBS?
•  Individual Study—Study at your convenience and grow in your personal relationship with God.
•  Pastors—Host RCBS Study Groups at their Churches.
•  Homeschooling Parents—Add RCBS to Curriculum to boost learning.
•  Adopt An Inmate Program—Sponsor those incarcerated to receive and complete RCBS.

What will I get?
You will receive a certificate of completion for each completed study unit and a Rhema Correspondence Bible School diploma upon completion of all six units.